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【BOP 91.38分】巴拿馬|2023 Best of Panama BOP競標批次 Varietals 第5名 淺焙|咖啡豆


【第二十七屆巴拿馬 - Best of Panama】

瓜瓜果莊園 日曬埃塞原生種 91.38

BOP競賽(Best of Panama)最佳巴拿馬競標賽,是世界上最知名的咖啡產地競標賽,1996年創辦第一屆巴拿馬生豆競標賽至今,2023年8月30日剛舉辦完第27屆BOP。建立一個提升巴拿馬咖啡農作者的平台,提升精品咖啡的高品質,是巴拿馬精品咖啡協會建立宗旨。參與競賽的莊園主可提交不同品種、處理法的批次生豆,以參加不同組別的競賽,由大會統一包裝、二次編碼、烘焙後,由至少7位以上的國內評審及7位國際評審進行兩輪評分,最終達到分數要求的方能參加全球競標。這個競賽只有在巴拿馬這個國家單獨進行,巴拿馬也沒有加入COE競賽,可能巴拿馬是世界上最好的藝妓咖啡出產地,所以採用自己的競賽競標系統。

其他品種組(Varietals) 14個批次
冠軍是「瓜魯莫咖啡農場(Guarumo Coffee Farm)」的「Chicho Gallo品種」獲得92.38分,競標價美金$412/kg

Lot V-05: Guarumo Coffee Farm Black Diamond Natural 

Guarumo Coffee Farm is a 4-hectare farm in Santa Clara, Renacimiento. We produce Geisha, Chicho Gallo, Sidra Bourbon, and heirloom varietals.
Located at 1750-1800 meters high, we are in the buffer zone of La Amistad International Park The farm limits are to the North with the Central Mountain Range, to the South with the town of Santa Clara, to the East with the region of Los Hornos, and to the West with Finca Hartmann.

Guarumo coffee farm awarded 1th place in varietal category with the lot Chicho gallo gold selection but also in 5th place with our e. landrance Af-2 Black diamond natural. In the top 10 of the geisha washed with our lot Howler monkey geisha washed resulting 8th place. We can not be more satisfied, thanks to all our team , staff, coaches, and friends of the coffee industry for believing in our work & quality.

    【BOP 91.38分】巴拿馬|2023 Best of Panama BOP競標批次 Varietals 第5名 淺焙|咖啡豆
