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【最後幾包】哥倫比亞|卡爾達斯 聖荷西莊園 蘭姆酒桶過桶浸漬 水洗 淺焙|咖啡豆|掛耳包


所有咖啡豆開飲日期︰烘焙後最少14日 (掛耳包可即飲)
所有咖啡豆最佳風味日期︰烘焙後90日內 (掛耳包一樣90日內)

哥倫比亞 卡爾達斯 聖荷西莊園 蘭姆酒桶過桶浸漬 水洗
Colombia Finca San Jose Washed, Barrel Fermented Process

- 陳年哥倫比亞橡木 釀酒式低溫發酵
- 三次手選 Supremo

百年哥倫比亞聖荷西莊園 (Finca San Jose Estate) 在這些年精品咖啡盛行的潮流中,一直很積極的想找出突破點為自己走出不一樣的路。聖荷西莊園的女主人 Monsalve Botero 有天在陪同老公(從事蘭姆酒橡木桶製作及蘭姆酒釀造)填裝蒸餾液準備發酵時突然想到,如果把咖啡生豆放到橡木桶裡發酵,是否能有不一樣的風味產生。為此,女主人 Monsalve Botero 從 2013 年開始嘗試了以不同陳年長度的哥倫比亞橡木桶進行不一樣發酵時間的釀酒式低溫發酵,經過多年的嘗試終於找到了理想的味道,製做出有別於一般傳統水洗的精緻水洗.橡木桶後製豆。


☆☆☆ 聖荷西莊園 Finca San Jose☆☆☆
產區  卡爾達斯省
主理人 Monsalve Botero
海拔  1750 MASL
品種  Castillo
處理法 蘭姆酒桶水洗


Colombia Finca José Estate | Washed, Rum Barrel
- Aged Colombian Barrel
- 3 times hand-picked Supremo

The family business Finca San José is advancing on its third generation working
tirelessly on the conservation of Colombian coffee and maintain the coffee tradition
of the area as a pillar of social development of a community.
One day, Ms. Monsalve Botero, the owner of Finca San Jose Estate, pop out an idea
that fermenting green coffee bean in barrel which is fermenting Rum. (Ms. Monsalve
Botero husband is a Rum manufacturer).
The Rum coffee have been chosen carefully, only mature grains and supremo size. It is
fermented under Federacion Nacional de Cafeteros (FNC) standards, washed and
classified in gutter and sun dried.
Once the coffee is properly sun dried, it wass taken to barrels of Colombian oak, for a
time that goes up to 3 months according to the quality controls that are performed
After 5 years testing, Finca San Jose Estate finally gets the flavor and aroma they are
looking for.

    【最後幾包】哥倫比亞|卡爾達斯 聖荷西莊園 蘭姆酒桶過桶浸漬 水洗 淺焙|咖啡豆|掛耳包
    【最後幾包】哥倫比亞|卡爾達斯 聖荷西莊園 蘭姆酒桶過桶浸漬 水洗 淺焙|咖啡豆|掛耳包
